03 October 2023

Product Care

Caring for saree fabric is an essential aspect of preserving the beauty and longevity of this traditional garment. Sarees, with their diverse range of materials including silk, cotton, chiffon, georgette, and more, each require a specific approach to maintenance. This guide aims to provide you with comprehensive information on how to care for your sarees, ensuring they remain as vibrant and elegant as the day you bought them.

The first step in saree care is understanding the fabric. Silk sarees, for example, are delicate and require dry cleaning to maintain their sheen and texture. Cotton sarees, on the other hand, can withstand gentle hand washing but may need ironing to keep them crisp. Fabrics like chiffon and georgette are prone to snagging and should be handled with utmost care. Always refer to the care label or consult with a professional if you're unsure about the fabric type.

Proper storage is crucial for saree preservation. Sarees should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading. Wrap silk and other delicate sarees in pure cotton or muslin cloth before storing to protect them from dust and moisture. It's also advisable to change the folds of the saree periodically to avoid permanent creasing. For heavy sarees embellished with embroidery or sequins, hanging storage might be a better option to prevent damage to the work.

Washing sarees at home requires careful consideration. Always use cold water and a mild detergent for hand washing. Avoid wringing or twisting the saree, as this can damage the fabric. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water and roll the saree in a clean, dry towel to absorb moisture. For machine washable fabrics, use a gentle cycle and place the saree in a mesh laundry bag to protect it. Stain removal should be approached with caution; spot clean with a mild detergent, testing on an inconspicuous area first.

Air-drying sarees is the safest method. Hang them in a shaded area where there is no direct sunlight. Spread the saree out fully to ensure even drying without any marks. When ironing, use a low heat setting and preferably place a thin cloth between the iron and the saree. This prevents direct heat contact, which can cause shine or scorch marks on delicate fabrics.

Protecting your sarees from moths and other pests is essential. Use natural repellents like neem leaves, lavender sachets, or cedar blocks within your storage space. These not only keep pests at bay but also impart a pleasant fragrance to your sarees.

When wearing sarees, be mindful of jewellery and accessories that might snag the fabric. Apply makeup, perfumes, and deodorants before draping the saree to avoid stains. Be cautious during meals to prevent food spills, which can be difficult to remove.

For high-value or heavily embellished sarees, professional cleaning is recommended. Dry cleaners experienced in handling ethnic wear will have the right knowledge and equipment to care for your sarees without causing damage.

Caring for sarees, a symbol of cultural heritage and aesthetic elegance, requires a nuanced understanding of their diverse fabrics. Each material, from the opulent silk to the everyday cotton, demands specific routines to maintain its beauty, texture, and longevity. This comprehensive guide delves into the care instructions tailored to different saree fabrics, ensuring they remain vibrant and captivating for years.

Silk Sarees: 

Silk sarees are synonymous with luxury and grandeur, celebrated for their lustrous sheen and exquisite drape. Originating from various regions, each type of silk saree, be it Kanjeevaram, Banarasi, or Tussar, has unique care needs. The cardinal rule for silk saree care is avoiding machine washes, which can damage the fabric's integrity. Dry cleaning is the safest option, especially for sarees with heavy embroidery or zari work, as it preserves the color and texture. For minor stains, spot cleaning with a mild detergent is recommended, but proceed with caution to avoid spreading the stain. When storing silk sarees, wrap them in a soft muslin cloth and store them away from sunlight to prevent fading. Regularly changing the folds can also help avoid tearing along the creases.

Cotton Sarees:

Cotton sarees, revered for their comfort and breathability, are perfect for daily wear. However, cotton's propensity to shrink and lose colour necessitates gentle care. Hand washing with a mild detergent in lukewarm water is preferable, and it's crucial to wash coloured sarees separately to avoid colour bleeding. Starch can be applied to maintain the crispness of the saree, but it should be used sparingly to avoid stiffness. Drying cotton sarees in direct sunlight can lead to fading, so opt for a shaded area. Ironing should be done while the saree is slightly damp to ease out wrinkles effectively.

Banarasi Sarees:

Banarasi sarees, originating from the city of Varanasi, are famed for their intricate weaving and rich embroidery. The luxurious gold and silver brocade work on these sarees demand careful handling. Dry cleaning is recommended to preserve the delicate fabric and embellishments. For storage, wrap the saree in a soft, breathable fabric and avoid hanging, as the weight of the brocade can cause the fabric to stretch or tear. Also, ensure that the saree is stored in a dry place to prevent any damage from moisture.

Chiffon and Georgette Sarees:

Chiffon and georgette sarees offer a lightweight, flowy drape that exudes grace and femininity. These delicate fabrics require gentle care to maintain their appearance. Hand washing with a mild detergent and cold water is advisable, avoiding vigorous scrubbing or twisting that can damage the fibres. Dry cleaning is preferred for sarees with heavy work or embellishments. When drying, avoid wringing; instead, gently squeeze out the water and lay flat to dry in a shaded area. Ironing should be done on a low heat setting, and it's beneficial to use a protective cloth between the iron and the saree to prevent heat damage.

Organza Sarees: 

Organza sarees, known for their sheer, crisp texture, are made from silk or synthetic fibres like polyester. The key to caring for organza sarees is to handle them with utmost care to prevent snags and tears. Hand washing with a gentle detergent in cold water is recommended, followed by air drying in a shaded area. Ironing should be done at a low temperature, and similar to chiffon and georgette, using a protective cloth is advisable to prevent direct contact with the iron.

Linen Sarees

Linen sarees, appreciated for their natural, rustic charm, are made from the fibers of the flax plant. They are known for their durability and comfort, especially in warm climates. Linen sarees can be hand washed or machine washed in cold water on a gentle cycle using a mild detergent. They should be air-dried away from direct sunlight to prevent fading. Linen tends to wrinkle easily, so ironing while the saree is still damp can help achieve a smooth finish.

  • Storage Essentials

    • Always opt for wrapping sarees in soft, breathable fabrics like muslin or cotton. This protects them from dust while allowing air circulation, preventing any mustiness.

    • Preserve the vibrant colours of your sarees by storing them in a dark, cool place. Exposure to sunlight can lead to fading and fabric damage over time.

    • For less creasing and to maintain fabric integrity, roll sarees instead of folding them. This is especially useful for delicate materials that are prone to permanent crease marks.

    • When hanging sarees, use padded hangers to avoid stress on the fabric. This method is ideal for keeping sarees wrinkle-free and ready-to-wear.

    • Incorporate natural insect repellents such as neem leaves or lavender sachets in the storage area to keep moths and other pests at bay without using harmful chemicals.

    • To protect sarees from humidity and moisture, which can lead to mildew or fabric degradation, place silica gel packets in the storage area.

    • Every few months, take the time to air out your sarees. This practice helps in refreshing the fabric and ensuring there's no build-up of odours.

    • Plastic bags can trap moisture, leading to potential damage. Instead, use specially designed saree bags made of breathable material to store your sarees.

    • Change the folds of your sarees periodically to prevent fabric strain or weakening along fold lines, ensuring a longer life for each piece.

    • If you have an extensive collection, maintaining an inventory can help manage your sarees better, allowing for rotation and regular wear of each item.

    • For sarees with embroidery or embellishments, store them inside out to protect the details from snagging or getting entangled.

    • In  humid climates, consider using a dehumidifier in the storage space to keep the environment dry and safe for delicate fabrics.
  • Washing & Care Instructions

    • Before washing, gently brush off any surface dirt or dust. This prevents dirt from settling deeper into the fabric during the wash.

    • Conduct a colour fastness test by dabbing a wet cotton swab on an inconspicuous area. If the dye transfers to the swab, it's safer to dry clean the saree.

    • Whenever possible, hand wash sarees with gentle swirling motions, avoiding vigorous scrubbing which can harm delicate fibres.

    • Dilute the detergent in water before immersing your saree. Direct contact with concentrated detergent can cause colour fading or fabric damage.

    • Ensure all soap is thoroughly rinsed out to prevent residue build-up that can make the fabric stiff and dull its shine.

    • If possible, use soft water for washing, as hard water can deposit minerals that may yellow or stiffen the fabric over time.
    • Instead of wringing, blot the saree dry with a clean, absorbent towel to remove excess water without stressing the fabric.

    •  Dry the saree indoors on a flat surface away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent fading and material degradation.

    • Iron while the saree is slightly damp, using the silk/wool setting, and always iron on the reverse side to protect the saree's sheen and colour.

    •  For sarees with zari (metallic threads), wrapping them in a cloth soaked in saltwater before the first wash can help prevent tarnishing.

    • If using a fabric softener, choose a fragrance-free, mild option to maintain the saree's natural texture without adding chemical odours.

    • After ensuring the saree is completely dry, store it in a cool, dry place wrapped in muslin or pure cotton to allow the fabric to breathe.
  • Effective Drying Methods

    • Dry sarees in a shaded area since direct sunlight can cause colours to fade and weaken the fabric fibres over time.

    • If space allows, lay the saree flat on a clean, dry towel to dry. This method prevents the fabric from stretching or losing its shape.

    • When using a drying rack, drape the saree in a manner that distributes its weight evenly. This prevents any one part from stretching due to the weight of water.

    • After washing, gently squeeze out excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting as it can damage the fabric structure and lead to wrinkles.

    • For delicate sarees, rolling them in a clean, absorbent towel can help remove excess water more gently than squeezing.

    • Ensure there is good air circulation around the saree during drying. This helps in faster drying and prevents musty odours.

    • If you're drying the saree hanging, flip it halfway through the drying process to ensure even drying on both sides.

    • If using clamps to hang your saree, choose ones that are lightweight and won’t leave marks on the fabric. Placing a piece of soft cloth between the clamp and saree can also prevent damage.

    • Ironing the saree when it's slightly damp (not wet) can make it easier to remove wrinkles and give a better finish. Always iron on the reverse side to protect embellishments and prints.

    • For very long sarees, consider folding them into manageable sections for drying, ensuring each section has room to breathe and dry properly.

    • Avoid hanging sarees by their pallu (decorative end piece), as this can cause undue stress on the fabric and potentially damage intricate work.

    • Once completely dry, fold the saree with care, avoiding sharp creases that could strain the fabric. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Style Guide

    • Embrace Soft Pleats: Gentle, loose pleats not only look elegant but also reduce stress on the fabric, preventing permanent creases or damage.

    • Minimal Pin Use: Secure your saree with the least number of pins possible. When necessary, opt for small, sharp pins that minimise fabric stress and avoid tearing.

    • Gentle Tucking Techniques: Tuck your saree lightly into the petticoat. Over-tight tucking can stretch or tear the fabric, especially around the waistline.

    • Jewellery Awareness: Be cautious with jewellery that might snag the saree. Smooth, snag-free jewellery pieces ensure both safety and style.

    • Magnetic Accessories: For an innovative approach, use magnetic brooches or clasps to secure your saree or pallu. They offer a secure hold without piercing the fabric.

    • Compatible Blouse Material: Select blouse fabrics that are gentle against your saree. Rough textures can cause friction and damage. A smooth, soft blouse fabric is ideal.

    • Flexibility in Petticoats: Choose petticoats with a bit of give or stretch. This prevents the saree from being pulled too tight and allows for comfortable movement without damaging the fabric.

    • Padded Storage Solutions: If you're using clips or hangers for saree storage, ensure they are padded to prevent impressions or damage to the fabric.

    • Careful Layering: When layering with jackets, belts, or dupattas, select materials and accessories that won't catch or rub against the saree fabric harshly.

    • Considerate Shoe Choice: Avoid shoes that could potentially catch the hem of your saree, such as those with buckles or sharp edges. Smooth, sleek shoes complement the saree and reduce the risk of damage.

    • Perfume Precaution: Apply perfume before draping your saree to avoid direct contact with the fabric, which could lead to stains or damage, especially in delicate materials.
    • Wardrobe Rotation: Regularly rotate the sarees you wear to avoid overuse of any single piece, helping to maintain their structure and appearance over time.

Preserving Beauty and Longevity with Fabric-Specific Maintenance

Caring for sarees is crucial for maintaining their beauty and longevity. This guide provides comprehensive information on fabric-specific care, such as dry cleaning silk sarees and gently hand-washing cotton sarees. Proper storage, washing, and drying techniques are essential, protecting sarees from pests and being cautious with accessories to prevent damage. Professional cleaning is recommended for high-value or heavily embellished sarees to ensure they remain vibrant and elegant for years to come.

Have questions or need assistance? Our dedicated customer care team is here to unravel queries with a touch of expertise and a dash of friendliness – connect with us for a seamless shopping experience.

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